The Bible, our core business


Our mission is to publish quality Bibles for a diversity of readers and uses. : discovery, daily reading, in-depth study... Because it is important for us to make the Bible accessible to all, we wish to participate in the reflection of these ancient texts on today's life .
Indeed, what could be better than making them current and understandable to our contemporaries and making them discover such a treasure?

For this, we publish Bibles adapted to the needs of each person. :
- For young people, the famous bestseller that is the ZeBible and the magnificent YouthBible ,
- For families, the Bible to read as a family (lots of activities and games to do together) ,
- For academics and the fans of the study bible s: the New Segond Bible , the Ecumenical Translation of the Bible, the interlinears...,
- For children, adapted Bibles and fun children's books.

Our small team takes care to work with professionalism , humanity and openness in order to highlight this founding text. She is also keen to support French-speaking authors in particular and to reveal the rich diversity of our Churches.

Its close link with the French Bible Alliance (a wonderful association, go take a look!) allows it to carry out specific editorial projects such as:
- The Bible for the
homeless ,
- A New Testament for the Olympic Games,
- A Bible for incarcerated people,
- Audio Bibles for visually impaired people,
- Biblical journeys for migrants...

Bibli'O editions
also appreciate collaborations, which is why they are also developing thanks to the help of other French-speaking Bible Societies (Switzerland, Belgium and Canada...) belonging to the Universal Bible Alliance.

The translations of the Bible offered by Bibli'O editions are based on ancient texts in the original language, Greek and Hebrew, approved by the scientific university community. Consultation, collaboration, skills, experience… A complex mix that takes time, but is oh so fruitful for rigorous translations!

Each French translation project, the target audience (young people, knowledgeable audiences, etc.) and the translation method are defined : some translations favor the text, that is to say that the grammatical structure and turns of the original language are respected as much as possible (formal translation) ; other translations favor the reader by offering the meaning of the original language in accessible and fluent French (functional translation).

There is something for all readers 😊

- An editorial team made up of 5 brilliant editors ,
- Close collaboration with more than 300 Christian bookstores,
- Great fame thanks to its 5 versions of the Bible,
- A catalog bringing together 500 super interesting references ,
- New releases including 30 biblical and spiritual works per year,
- And 200% love for our profession and our customers!

Our great team!

Jonathan Boulet

General manager
Editorial director
Commercial assistant
Reception and customer relations

The editors

Editor - Production Manager
Editor - Biblical scholar

The communications team

Communication manager
Community Manager
Responsible for editorial and multimedia missions

The sales team

Representative - Paris and Southern Region
Representative - North West Region
West Indies Representative
Representative - Western Region